Holly K. Clark

Where to begin? The not-so-vital statistics, I guess. I'm 25, in the middle of a Digital Media program at George Brown College, and the possessor of a Bachelor degree in English Lit and 29/30ths (due to an administrative screwup) of a Bachelor in Psychology.

I have very little experience in Digital Media, so there's not a lot of fancy stuff to put up here. I've been selling writing and illustrations for the past couple of years as a tangent running off of my editing business - formerly Ilex Editing, Ilex Information Services, and now Ilex Information & Design


A little background Info can never hurt, so:

I'm from Redbridge, Ontario - a small town of 1400 people (containing not one bridge, red or otherwise) outside of North Bay, a city whose sole purpose was to house NORAD missile silos and then to house the military personnel who came to work with the weapons.

I moved to Ottawa for University and lived there for almost 6 years. Then I came here, to Toronto, last December. I'm still figuring out the city.

I'm a Canadian mutt with mostly Irish and Scottish ancestors, baptised United, never attended church regularily, and deicided I was a tao-buddhist at the age of 12.  I'm not tao, and perhaps never will be, but that's why I believe in the tao so much.  Desire is suffering.  it *is* - there's no way  you can refute the truth.

That's all.

In case you want to hire me for something, here's a link: Resume